ENVASES Brasil, composed of the companies CristalPet Sul , registered with the CNPJ under nº 19.328.827/0001-57, with headquarters at Rodovia Jorge Lacerda, nº 1295, CEP 88.317-100, Bairro Espinheiros, in the city of Itajaí, in the State of Santa Catarina and CristalPet do Brasil , registered with the CNPJ under nº 09.428.630/0001-36, with headquarters at Estrada Tercera Acesso da PE 60, 7988, CEP 54.590-000 in the city of Cabo de Santo Agostinho, in the state of Pernambuco, hereinafter referred to as as ENVASES , owner of the website: (“site” or “platform”) presents its Privacy Policy (“Policy”) with the aim of providing clear information to Holders about how their Personal Data will be treated.

This Policy was prepared based on the terms of Brazilian Law No. 13,709/18 (Personal Data Protection Law or LGPD) , 8,078/90 (Consumer Defense Code or CDC) and 12,965/2014 (Marco Civil da Internet or MCI) . Therefore, this document is valid for the processing of Personal Data carried out in Brazil, including Personal Data collected in Brazil and processed abroad. 

It is important that you read and understand this document and, if you have any questions, contact ENVASES through the channels provided at the end of the document.


This Policy uses technical concepts provided for in applicable legislation, in particular those set out in art. 5th of the LGPD. To facilitate reading, the main concepts used are listed below:

Controller : natural or legal person, governed by public or private law, who is responsible for decisions regarding the processing of Personal Data;

Personal Data : any information related to an identified or identifiable natural person, that is, information that directly identifies a person, such as full name, CPF, ID, photograph or that identifies them indirectly, email address, IP, location, for example;

Sensitive Personal Data : information that reveals the most intimate characteristics of the Holder, which may even generate some discriminatory treatment, such as racial or ethnic origin, religious conviction, political opinion, membership of a trade union or organization of a religious, philosophical or political nature, data relating to health or sexual orientation, genetic or biometric data, when linked to a natural person;

IP ( Internet Protocol ): It is a set of numbers that identifies the Holder’s computer on the Internet;

Operator : natural or legal person, governed by public or private law, who processes Personal Data on behalf of the controller;

Holder : natural person to whom the processed personal data refers;

Processing : any and all operations carried out with Personal Data, whether by the Controller or the Operator, such as collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, elimination, evaluation or control of information, modification, communication, transfer, diffusion or extraction.


ENVASES may act as Personal Data Controller , as well as Data Operator, as applicable. For this Policy, we will deal with situations in which ENVASES is the Controller, and in some cases may share data with other Controllers or Operators, as explained below.

Personal Data Processed by ENVASES can be classified according to origin as:

  • Data provided by the Holder : Data provided by express and conscious action of the Holder, such as when he/she makes contact with ENVASES through the portal on the website;
  • Data collected or generated by our SITE : This category includes all information that we generate or collect indirectly (in the background or through third parties) about the Owner, this includes navigation information collected in the background, generally through cookies . For more information, see our Cookies Policy.


When does the treatment take place?

What data is processed?

For what purposes?

Use of the Institutional Website (

● Name;

● Email;

● Telephone number;

● Subject and message;


● Enable the Holder to contact us; It is

● Maintain contact with the Owner.

Navigation on websites

● Consumer preferences (most visited store sections, products purchased, etc.);

● Browsers used;

● Pages consulted;

● Type of device used;

● IP address;

● Average platform access time.

● Enable platform functionalities;

● Carry out research, statistical analysis, market intelligence, for the development of new products and marketing campaigns.

Business interactions with customers

● Name;

● Email;

● Telephone number;

● Address;

● Bank details.


● Receive purchase orders, provide budgets, quotations and resolve doubts related to products;

● Carry out credit analysis, formalize proposals and proceed with the sale;

● Enter into and fulfill the sales contract with the customer, promoting the separation and monitoring of product delivery, providing technical assistance;

● After-sales actions, collections, receipt of amounts; sending invoices and other acts related to the contract;

● Regularly exercise rights, such as collection, legal defense of interests, etc.

Contact with Customer representative

● Name;

● Telephone number;

●     WhatsApp;

● Email.

● Communication with the customer representative in case of requests and complaints;

● Carrying out a satisfaction survey via email and/or WhatsApp.

Tax Processes

● Name;

● Address;

● Telephone number;

● Email;


● State Registration;

● Sending incoming and outgoing invoice information to the Municipal, State and Federal Tax Authorities;


● Identification and compliance with legal obligations of a tax nature.

Interactions in ENVASES physical spaces

● Name;

● CPF;

● Images

● Carry out security monitoring in physical spaces;

● Identification in guardhouses, entrances, receptions of people who enter the organization’s physical buildings.


  • Data provided by Candidates for job vacancies : when the Holder applies for a job vacancy, their data will be treated as follows:


When does the treatment take place?

What data is processed?

For what purposes?

Applications for job vacancies at ENVASES

● Name

● ID;

● CPF;

● Email;

● Telephone number;

● If you have a certificate in any NR;

● If you speak a second language and the level;

● Software that has domain;

● Professional history, functions and tools you have mastered.

● Health Data related to the hiring of PwD; It is

● Other data provided by the Holder in the CV.

● Identify the Candidate;

● Allowing the candidate to enter the Plants to carry out the interview;

● Reception and screening of candidates by the recruitment and selection team

● Proceed with the curriculum evaluation, analysis of compatibility with the vacancy criteria and profile sought by ENVASES;

● Assessment of the regularity of registrations (CPF, voter registration card, etc.);

● Conducting interviews with candidates;

● Application of psychological tests for strategic positions;

● Identification of PwD for the purposes of legal classification in a vacancy intended for candidates with disabilities;

If you are interested in participating in the selection processes at ENVASES through partner portals, such as recruitment and selection companies, etc. It is important that you read and understand the Privacy Policies of these partners. We have no responsibility for the data requested or the processing carried out by these portals and companies.

If you have applied for a job at ENVASES and are not selected, your data will be stored securely and deleted after a period of 12 (twelve) months, counting from the end of the selection process. 


ENVASES may also share with third parties, always under its supervision, the Personal Data listed above in the following cases:

  • Anti-fraud and credit analysis : We can share data such as CPF, email, telephone, etc., with banks and specialized companies, for credit analysis, confirmation of the Holder’s identity and verification of the veracity of the data provided, in order to avoid fraud ;
  • Storage : We may share data with our data storage and processing partners (storage providers, cloud software);
  • Management of Online Platforms : We may also share your data with development and hosting companies, to manage and maintain the computing infrastructure that guarantees the functioning of our services and products;
  • Support for ENVASES processes : Enable compliance with contracts signed between Suppliers and Customers with ENVASES, through companies specialized in auditing, technical assistance, accounting, law, etc.;
  • With public bodies or private bodies : When carrying out a typically public activity to comply with a legal determination or obligation, with tax bodies, in responding to legal requests, for example;


ENVASES may carry out international data transfers in order to carry out some processes that make up the operation. In any case of sharing with partners located in other countries, we contractually establish that the partner has the duty to maintain the standard of data protection and information security compatible with this Privacy Policy and the LGPD.


Through emails: CristalPet Sul –   or Cristalpet do Brasil –   , the Holder may request:

  • Confirmation of the existence of treatment;
  • Access to your Personal Data processed by ENVASES;
  • Correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;
  • Anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary, excessive or processed data that does not comply with the provisions of the LGPD;
  • Data portability to another service or product provider, observing commercial and industrial secrets;    
  • Deletion of Personal Data processed with your consent;
  • Information from public and private entities with which ENVASES shared data use;
  • Revocation of consent (when the processing is based on this legal hypothesis);
  • Request the review of decisions made solely based on automated processing of Personal Data that affect your interests, including decisions intended to define your personal, professional, consumer and credit profile or aspects of your personality.

IMPORTANT! We respond to requests within the legal deadline. However, if there is a legal basis, some requests may be partially met or even denied, in which case we will provide the necessary clarifications and justifications.


The personal data described above will be kept by ENVASES or authorized third parties for as long as necessary to fulfill its purposes. Personal Data will only be maintained for a period sufficient to guarantee the achievement of the purposes indicated in this Policy. Furthermore, data may be kept to comply with legal obligations; (ii) in the event of legally defined legitimate interest; and (iii) when public authority so determines.


For any matter related to the processing of Personal Data, ENVASES can be contacted as the person responsible for the Processing of Personal Data:

CristalPet Sul – Manager: Jucelia Alves Ferreira


Telephone: 47 3406-4800

CristalPet do Brasil – Manager: Elane Monteiro


Telephone: 81 3201-6567


Any controversial issues arising from this Policy will be submitted to the competent jurisdiction of the District of Itajaí, SC and/or Cabo de Santo Agostinho, PE.


This Policy was published on 06/28/2022 and may undergo updates that will be duly communicated.